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mAmB mCmD mEmF mGmH mImJ mKmL mMmN mOmP mQmR mSmT mUmV mWmX mYmZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
more 43
more & more life philosophy 25
more +stripes 34
more MISCHIEF 25
more MISCHIEF +circle 24
more WATER 17
more energy FASTER 5, 30
more mathematical instrumen 16
more people need ALSTOM 6, 17
more store +peacock 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34
more than gold +wing 14
ATM alltime more cups of te 30
BATTER UP cookies & more 30
BODENSCHATZ bags & more 18
more 36
CHIPS more 30
CONVERGEON achieve more +me 35, 41
more 25
DIVA'S no more looking back 5
DKT more than brand a cause 5
DR. MOREPEN more vital 30
EARF more than organic +man 30
ENARAF more miles with smil 12
FASO furniture and more 35
G SHOPPE buy more spend les 35
GIANI ice cream and more 29
GRILLZ sandwich & more +ova 43
HAVE more 16, 30
HHIRCO more to life 37, 38, 39, 42
HIRCO more to life 35, 36
HOTSPOT mobiles & more 35
HUNGRY-i salads & more 42
INTEX demand more +square 9
JAMMIUES relax more 25
JUMPIN more 32
more 43
KWALITY'S PUSTI more milk 30
L CANDID footwear and more 25
LEGENDS events n' more +ova 35
M METRO more shoes 25
MANIKYA sow pure grow more 31
METRO more shoes to choose 18, 25
MFL more for less 25
MIO explore more 9
MM more miler +circle 12
MSL footwear more shoes les 18, 25
MYSTIQUE chocolates & more 30
more 35
NET 4 MILLIONS know more 9
PARAMOUNT expect more 16
PARLE-G more 30
R more benefit for less 16
R more entertainment +circl 9, 28
R more for less +circle 9, 16
R more for your spend 9, 16
R more store 28
R more value for less 9
R more value for less +flam 16
RAMSOL more opportunities 35
more 41
REKHA more extra detergent 3
ROSY BLUE more than diamond 9, 21, 23, 27, 36, 37
ROSYBLUE more than diamonds 2, 5, 8, 9, 11, 14, 18, 22, 23, 28, 30, 31
RUUKKI more with metals 6, 7, 37
S sona n more +circle 35
SAHARA global always more 37
SIGMA choice of more people 11
STARTERS and more 16, 29, 30
STONER more than ice creams 30, 32
STRYDE shoes & more 25
TARLA DALAL cooking & more 16
TARONIISH events & more 41
TATA INDICOM more 9, 16, 38
UNIVERSAL more care 5
UPS deliver more 9, 35, 39
VANI more +arrow 24
VARIE TEA chai masti & more 43
WRAPS AND more 42
XOCOLATE chocolates & more 30
add more zeros 9, 16, 18, 21, 28, 35, 38, 41, 42
crush more +ovals 6
expect more from us +face 16
games n more +stars & circl 41
glow more compect 3
grow more FOUNDATION +flowe 41
insure guru learn more +sun 41
live-a-lot-more 5
m METRO more shoes to choos 18, 25
more & more life philosophy 25
one more 35, 43
pouches & more +kangaroo 16
t WOODS a more comfort look 25
morisons 16
moriwaki racing +star 12
morning KISS 21
CNN IBN morning +globe 41
E.M. EVERY morning 3
ERASER morning fresh 3
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